Top Seven Saturdays-Spa Night Essentials

Hey Readers,

It’s californiangirl! Welcome back to my blog, or basically a place where I can ramble and not be judged! Today, I’m doing a Top Seven Saturday about spa night essentials. I love having little spa nights with my sister so we can just hangout and relax after a particularly long day or week. I have one every month or so to unwind. It’s perfect after a long workout, stressful day at work or school, or just if you want to spoil yourself for a night! Everyone needs a little TLC! Here are my spa essentials!

1. Candles

Candles are a must! There is nothing more relaxing than having a sweet-scented candle burning in the room. I love the candles from Bath and Body Works!


2. Cucumbers

Why do you need cucumbers? I mean they are weird and green and don’t even taste that good? Okay, I’ll tell you why! They are great for your eyes for one. You know all those movies where they have cucumbers on their eyes at the spa? Well turns out they actually help eye bags disappear, brighten dark circle, and cool your general eye area when put on your eye. Also, cucumber water is great for detoxing!


3. Fuzzy Socks


Let’s be real, fuzzy socks are great for anytime! But especially for when you want to chill and have a spa day! Great for keeping your little toesies warm after a soak in the tub. They have this amazing invention from Bath and Body works where they have socks that help moisurize your feet while keeping them warm and toasty! Best invention ever? Yeah, pretty much.

4.Bath bombs

Nothing is more relaxing than a soak in the tub. To spice it up, I love using bath bombs, and bubble bars together. My favorite bath bomb is probably Twilight from Lush! It’s beautiful and soooo relaxing!

5. Face Mask


A face mask really sets the mood and helps your skin. My personal favorite is Cupcake from Lush! You really need to find the right mask for you. Some masks will be too harsh for your skin, others will do nothing at all! Find the right one for your skin and put it on to relax and unwind!

6. Book

Get a good book to keep you busy in the tub. I’ve been loving this book called Tell Me Three Things. It’s a good quick read, intriguing and honest book. I totally recommend it!

7. Body Scrub


I love using a body scrub once a week to really smooth my body! I love the strawberry body polish from The Body Scrub because it has black “seeds” that exfloliate put still smells like fresh strawberries!


And that’s it! I hope you enjoyed this post! Remember to like and comment, I really love reading all your comments, they brighten my day!

love ya ALWAYS


Top Seven Tips for Healthy Skin

Dear Readers,

It’s Saturday which means…. Top Seven Saturday is back! Did you miss these? I’m sorry I just haven’t been active recently. Life has just been crazy in the past week! I’ll try to post as soon as possible every week, but please be patient if I don’t post as often as I really should! So for today I’m going to tell you some tips about keeping your biggest organ healthy and clean! Yep, skin is an organ (bet most of you didn’t know that)! I’ve struggled with acne and oily skin a lot in the best and learned a couple of things throughout my skin journey that I’d be happy to share with you! Here are the best tips to have healthy and clear skin!

1. Stay Hydrated

Staying hydrated is extremely important if you want clear skin. I’ve been searching Pinterest a lot and have found a lot of detox waters. Here is one of my favorites!


This is SUPER easy! I usually just put this in my water bottle and bring it to school or for a workout! All you need is some water, mint leafs, cucumber, and sliced up lemon. This is extremely easy and relaxing. I know that plain water is kind of boring so this is a great way to put a spin on it! There are plenty other awesome detox water recipes out there so find one that you love!

2. Sleep 


I know that this is way easier said than done, but try to get at least eight hours of sleep. I know that at least I usually don’t sleep 8 hours each night because I’m up doing homework, but now I’ve been making it a habit to go to bed early and not being on my phone while I should be doing homework so I can get things done faster. Sleep helps restore your skin and fight off blemishes and redness.

3. Wash your face (with the right stuff)

You must wash your face. There’s no way you will have healthy, clear skin if all that nasty dirt ‘n’ grime is sitting in an oily layer on your skin. Take this awesome quiz I saw from Teen Vogue to find out what cleanser is best for you!

 4. Moisturize

Another key thing you need to do is moisturize! Here are some quick facts that will make you definitely want to start moisturizing more! -You develop more and deeper wrinkles when you don’t moisturize   -it makes your skin flakey and dull if you don’t slather on daily moisturizer  -if you don’t moisturize, your acne gets worse  -your skin will be itchy all the time


Okay, now that I’ve scared you enough I hope you remember to moisturize daily. If you have oily skin, definitely use a light, oil-free moisturizer!

5. Treat your skin with a mask once a week


I never used a facial mask till very recently. I was under the impression that masks were too heavy and exfoliating for my sensitive skin. However, as long as you find the right mask, it’s all good! I love all the ones from Lush, but my personal favorite is Cupcake (see my review here)! I definitely recommend Cupcake for oily acne prone skin.

6. Steer away from oily and sugary foods

Even though I’ve heard some doctors tell me that diet won’t affect your skin, my personal experiences tell otherwise. Try to stay away from oily/fatty foods and super sugary foods. What helps me is eating a lot of fruits as oppose to candy/sugar! They are a delicious substitute to dessert!

7. Never go to sleep with make-up on


Makeup is terrible for sleeping a whole night in. It builds up dirt and chemicals and it just feels icky having a layer of grime from the day on your face. I suggest always carrying makeup removing wipes and to deep wash your face every night before you hit the sack!


Okay and that’s it! I hope you enjoyed this post. And I also hope that I see you next time on my blog!


californiangirl signing off,







Top Seven Saturday- Fall Essentials

Hey Readers,

Welcome back to my blog! And if it’s your first time here, welcome! If you like what you’re seeing, then you can follow this blog so you can get notifications each time I post something new!

I know that I haven’t posted in a while. I’ve been CRAZY busy with school! If you have any tips of managing time better so I can get more posts up, let me know, I’d LOVE to hear them in the comments.

So I’m starting a new series… so on some Saturday you will get a Top Seven list. I don’t really know why I chose seven… I guess mostly because seven is one of my lucky numbers and also happens to start with the same letter as Saturday, my blogging day. I would do a “Top Ten Tuesday” but my weekdays are EXTREMELY busy and since I’m a morning person, I love getting up early ish on weekends to blog! So I may be busy on a couple weekends so these probably won’t come up every single weekend but expect them to come up at least once a month. (Hopefully)

Without further ado… Here is the first Top Seven Saturday! Since fall is almost here, I thought I would do this so you know what things you need to buy (or DIY) for fall!

1. Flannels


Let’s be real, ladies. Flannel jackets are a MUST HAVE for fall. They are great for layering, lazy days, and just SUPER CUTE! I love using flannels for layer. If it’s particularly chilly one day, I love putting a buttoned up flannel over a hooded sweatshirt for a cool, cozy look. On warmer days, I love tying the flannel around my waist as a way to spice up a plain outfit.

2. Dark Lipstick

Dark lipstick is great for fall. I don’t know, it just seems like dark red and maroon is the color of fall! Dark lipstick works anytime but in fall I see more and more ladies switching from light pink lip glosses to matte dark lipsticks. You can basically pick up dark lipstick anywhere, from the Walgreens across the street to your local Sephora. Regardless of where you get it, as long as you love the color, it’s all good.

3. Ankle Booties


Ankle Booties are a MUST-HAVE for fall! I love these chunky heeled booties from Urban Outfitters. These are great for putting together any outfit, from a dress with tights to a tee shirt and skinny jeans!

4. Scarves


I LOVE this scarf! The color is perfect for fall and it looks so cozy! I love infinity scarves because they are easy to put on, and are so comfy and cozy!

5. Beanies

Beanies, like scarves, are super cozy and cute! I have a white beanie, which I love, but I think really any beanie is super cute! They are great for those chilly fall days or when you are having a bad hair day and you need to cover your nasty hair up.

6. Body Butter


In fall and winter, my skin tends to get SUPER dry. When your usual moisturizer is too light, or for moisturizing dry spots. While tehre are lotion-like options, I love Buffy body butter from Lush (pictured). You use it by running it under your tub a little then moisturizing your whole body with it (espeically drier spots), then you rinse off lightly and your all set! Super mositurizing and great for skin that gets dry towards to colder months!

7. Fuzzy Socks

If you don’t own a pair of fuzzy socks, then you don’t know the feeling of comfort! I own probably 4-6 pairs of them and they are all I wear in the fall/winter! YOu can pick them up anywhere and they are pretty cheap, but a good investment!


I hope you enjoyed this post! Let me know your fall essentials in the comments below!! I’ll see you next week (hopefully)!


californiangirl signing off,


