Day 1: WELCOME TO BLOGMAS//12 days of blogmas

Day 1 of blogmas…

Hey Readers,

It’s here! It’s here! IT’S HERE. What’s here? You are probably thinking. You probably were confused by my title too. Day 1? Day 1 of what?

This year I’m doing BLOGMAS. If you are as crazy of a youtube watcher as I am, blogmas probably sounds familiar. It sounds kind of like VLOGMAS. Well it basically is vlogmas but instead of vlogs, it’s blogs! Pretty cool, huh. Today there are 12 days till Christmas Day! Everyday I’ll be blogging (and if I don’t feel free to scold me in the comments). I’ll try to keep them Christmas/holiday related because you know, blogMAS… ChristMAS. 

Let me know what Christmas/holiday themed post you want to see. I’m really excited to do this with y’all and I can’t wait for you guys to read these posts!


Will you really be blogging every day? Okay in theory I will, but honestly it will be a struggle to get them all up. Don’t worry though. I’ll try my best.

When does blogmas end? Blogmas goes on for 12 days and I timed it so it ends on Christmas (at least in the Pacific Standard Time zone)!

Where did you get the idea? I am an avid youtube watcher and may have stole the idea from vlogmas. Turns out many bloggers also do blogmas!

Are they all going to be holiday related posts? Yes…hopefully. I mean it is blogmas!! tis the season!!!

signing off



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