It’s a Lush Christmas//blogmas day 7

Hey readers,

It’s Day 7 of Blogmas! Today, I’ll be letting you know some of my favorite Lush Christmas products. I have a small huge obsession with Lush cosmetics. I have a couple of Lush posts on this blog so feel free to check them out! Today I’ll let you know the best Christmas products at Lush!

1. Luxury Lush Pud

This bath bomb is so beautiful, in the water and out! Not to mention the relaxing and sleep inducing scent. It smells of lavender and sweet vanilla. You’ve got to give it a try! This is a great one if you need stress relieving. I believe it has the same scent as the Twilight Bath Bomb, one of my favorite bath bombs as well!


2. Santa’s Belly Shower Jelly

Check out full review here. Who can resist a cute and apple smelling shower jelly? I love the smell and feel of this refreshing and zingy soap!


3. Snow Fairy body conditioner


I know many people who are huge fans of the Snow Fairy shower gel but I think that the shower gel is too sickly sweet. The body conditioner is a different story however. A body conditioner looks just like lotion but it’s use is a little different. Just like hair conditioner, you put it on after body wash and then put all over  your body. Then you leave it on for a minute and lightly rinse off after. When I saw the Snow-Fairy body conditioner in-store I decided to try it, not expecting to like it much. I gingerly lifted the pot for a quick whiff and boy was I surprised! It had a simliar smell but in this form, it smelled more creamy, the bubblegum-esque scent toned down. It left my skin baby-soft too!

4. Golden Wonder


This one I’ll be honest I’ve never tried but I know I’ll love it once I get my hands on it! I gave it to a friend as a gift and feel inlove. I almost wanted to keep it for my self! It smells amazing, like citrius and champagne, and looks so gorgeous in the water. The bath bomb has blue inside that turns your bath into a sparkly, aqua sanctuary! Not to mention it is super cute! A bath bomb that looks like a present? Yes, please!

I hope you enjoyed this post! Maybe I inspired you to take a trip to your local Lush store? let me know your favorite Christmas lush products in the comments!

check out my other blogmas posts

Day 1: WELCOME TO BLOGMAS//12 days of blogmas

Day 2: Holiday Traditions…

Holiday Beauty Essentials//blogmas day 3

Cute Holiday Party Outfit Ideas//blogmas

Day 5: Stocking Stuffer Ideas//blogmas

love you all,


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